Sacred Fatherhood

I have been blessed with five boys: Joshua and Jerry from my wife’s first marriage, Rannon from my first marriage, Annione between my wife (Ahriana) and me, and Dino, our adopted son who is a refugee from Ethiopia. So, I’ve had about as full an experience of parenting over the past 25 years as could be imagined. The only thing I haven’t had the gift of raising is a daughter. Luckily I’ve been blessed with three granddaughters, two who lived with us for almost a year.

There was something in the core of my being from a very early age where I knew I would be a father, but not just any father, a father who would heal the wounds of generations of men in my lineage. I didn’t think of it that way when I was four, but as an adult looking back, that is exactly the energy I held…and manifested.

To that end, instead of taking on parenting as a chore, duty, responsibility, or even inconvenience that was my wife’s to do; I rearranged my life and made it my sacred journey, steering the rest of my life to support my ability to guide, grow, and connect with my children. I hope I’ve healed the wounds of my past and provided my sons with a different possibility with their children…my lineage.

When you see yourself as a sacred father, you parent with a different set of eyes, ears, and heart. When you treat it as your greatest gift, everything else falls into place and on your death bed, you’ll know you the true purpose of your life.

Mark J. Platten

How would your relationship with your children change if you saw them for the sacred beings they are? More importantly, how would their lives change if you recognized your own sacred fatherhood?

Course Outline

To become a sacred father, we have to get beyond the hard exterior and what western society tells us it is to be a “real” man. Instead, we have to open to our emotions, to visit the wounds that were perpetrated upon us or we’ll likely pass that along to our children. It means finding our emotions and feelings and being honest with ourselves about what scares us about being a father, and asking for help from healthy men who have walked the path you are embarking on.

What if you could break the lineage of wounds that have been handed down over the generations and create a new model of what it is to be a sacred, whole father? Imagine how that might change the course of your children’s lives…and of your lineage from here forward. How might it change their image of themselves? How might it change the partners they call into their lives? How might it change the relationship you have with them? How might it change you, and how you feel about yourself as a father?

9 Modules over 9 Weeks

  1. Visiting the wounds you carry and their impact on you as an adult and father.

  2. Exploring the four predominant male archetypes and how they relate to fatherhood.

  3. Identifying which of the four archetypes you need to lean into to become a more well-rounded man and father.

  4. Exploring what it means to be a sacred father, what it entails, and why it’s important to you.

  5. Understanding what children need at each stage of growth and how you change with that.

  6. Recognizing that each child has different needs and that their path is not your path.

  7. Understanding that how they show up is no reflection on you, that is merely your ego.

  8. Creating your manifesto on what it means to be a sacred father and mapping out how you show up in each of the four archetypes.

  9. Set up an accountability team and what your responsibilities are to each other.

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Sacred Relationships