Feather Dance
How in tune are you with the subtleties influencing your life? The downy feather in this photo is so sensitive to the slightest breath of wind, that it is able to reflect its force, direction, and patterns. We are bombarded with myriad demands for our attention every day. Beneath these highways lie the more refined pulses of life...our signposts, if we are able to catch their voice and see the pathway that lies ahead.
Luna’s Glance
Luna's enchanted glow is inviting, almost mesmerizing, as she awakens our emotions and draws us closer through her soft stare.Her suitor, the sun, cannot be directly looked upon for any length of time without injuring our vision...much the way our divine selves are too intense for us to interact with. Our physical vehicle reflects our beautiful, sacred self so we can experience heaven on earth through our connection with others.
Raven Solstice
The mysterious raven is an appropriate talisman of transmutation on this Winter Solstice. Renowned for traveling between worlds, he is aloof, yet always watching. Because he has one foot in each world, he is of both...and neither. There is no judgment on which is better; nor is there fear. Death and birth are both beginnings, and endings, depending on which side we stand. This is the infinite flow of energy as we transform from one state to another.
Cloud Wisdom
What is it about these mighty movers of the skies that draw us in as though we are witnessing something mystical and life-transforming, as though we have been blessed with a glimpse of the divine?