Translucency is about being vulnerable. Not hiding in the shadows for fear of what others might think...and not exposing all, which is overbearing.
For so long, duality has been admonished as something to avoid in the spiritual realms...that the goal is oneness to avoid the pitfalls of polarity. What if, as in this plant, the polarity creates a balance, and that IS the oneness? How can you know yourself without something to compare it to? How can you know love in the absence of fear? Duality is the greatest gift, albeit our learning platform, always providing the opportunity to create a whole from the halves.
Cellular Connection
Look closely and you can see how my architecture is compartmentalized into tiny, interdependent segments of life-force. If you were to take a closer look at yourself...going to the cellular level, you would see that you are comprised of the same sorts of interwoven connections numbering in the trillions. Most of these cells function without your awareness, to support the universe known as You.
Milkweed Seeds
The explosive, silken milkweed seed creates its own natural fireworks show as the sun's rays are captured in each filament. Are you able to move into childlike wonder and amazement at such a display...finding yourself with a wide smile stretched across your face?! Step out and enjoy the show.