Simply Cones
Conifers are a rare classification of plants known as gymnosperms...from Greek meaning "naked seed," or plants whose seeds are not enclosed within an ovary, hence no flowers or fruit are produced. Sometimes, an inordinate amount of energy is spent towards flashy and colorful displays when simplicity is all that is required.
The conifers herald from an earlier era in the development of plants, a time where flowers were not part of the reproductive process. What do you find when you go back to an earlier version of yourself, a time before the failures and successes of adulthood transitioned your malleable clay essence into a rigid structure? There are keys here that will lead to answers you have been questioning over the years but never been able to answer.
Much like the "naked seed" of the gymnosperms, what happens when you step away from that which protects you - your coping mechanisms - and face the world, and yourself in your true form, unbridled from the rules and roles that shackle you as much as they lift you up. Go back if you dare. Go back to that raw, clean, clear, and uninhibited version of you. Just as the cone gently contains and protects the seeds until they are ready for dispersal, your ego has protected you for long enough. Relax and release into the void of your soul, before you were dreamed into existence, and know yourself for the first time.