Lightning, Trees Mark J. Platten Lightning, Trees Mark J. Platten

Lightning Kiss

Trees that dare to grow on precipices and peaks subject themselves to strikes from the heavens. The same is true for those who go against the flow, stand up for the disenfranchised, share truth from the heart, and speak for those who don't have a voice...nature.They are often lightening rods for the critics, the naysayers, and those with ulterior motives.  Stand tall, stretch into your truth and what you stand for. You make a difference in the world and are expressing what you came here to do, and be.

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Trees, Shrubs, Roots Mark J. Platten Trees, Shrubs, Roots Mark J. Platten

Celtic Gambel Knot

I love it when something really unexpected shows up...dancing outside the box I place things in, making the old, new. The unique Celtic knotwork, which revealed itself in the roots of a Gambel oak, has caused me to explore the world with child-like wonder, knowing that magic is afoot!

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Solstice, Imagination, Trees Mark J. Platten Solstice, Imagination, Trees Mark J. Platten

Imagination Lost

Life seems to have a way of narrowing our focus over time. When we are young, our imaginations create worlds upon worlds, and when asked what we want to be when we grow up, our greatest dreams pour forth as though it's already a given.
Then the dream thief arrives, and one-by-one, steals our hopes until we are left defending the one or two that remain...leaving us focused on a very narrow bandwidth of life.

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Trees, Roots Mark J. Platten Trees, Roots Mark J. Platten

Walking Tree

What would happen if you were able to build a strong foundation, sinking your roots deeply into your passion? Then slowly, over years of time and dedication, the supporting foundation was removed until you no longer needed it?This is the gift of true masters - creating a solid foundation for their students, then gently removing that support by empowering them, until finally they realize their own mastery.  This is the mark of a true many students they bring to mastery, not how many followers they have.

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Trees Mark J. Platten Trees Mark J. Platten

Simply Cones

Conifers are a rare classification of plants known as gymnosperms...from Greek meaning "naked seed," or plants whose seeds are not enclosed within an ovary, hence no flowers or fruit are produced. Sometimes, an inordinate amount of energy is spent towards flashy and colorful displays when simplicity is all that is required.

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Trees Mark J. Platten Trees Mark J. Platten

The Edge of Nature

The edges of nature contain the inner mystery as they reach into the unknown. There must always be those brave, adventurous souls willing to step into the void...returning with the next step on the pathway that the rest can safely tread.

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