A Rose by Any Other Name
A rose, by any other name...What happens when you take away the monikers that define who you are: parent, spouse, child, your work, ethnicity, where you're from, etc.? What's left after you peel back all those layers...the sweet, juicy fruit of your core. How does this inner self compare to the labels we contort ourselves into? Or are you like the rose?
Feather Mindfulness
We all release aspects of ourselves throughout the day, flooding our surroundings with the remnants. Generally, it is due to our emotions and thoughts. When mindfulness is at play, the result is as intricate as feathers...contributing beauty to the world.
Cellular Connection
Look closely and you can see how my architecture is compartmentalized into tiny, interdependent segments of life-force. If you were to take a closer look at yourself...going to the cellular level, you would see that you are comprised of the same sorts of interwoven connections numbering in the trillions. Most of these cells function without your awareness, to support the universe known as You.
Luna’s Glance
Luna's enchanted glow is inviting, almost mesmerizing, as she awakens our emotions and draws us closer through her soft stare.Her suitor, the sun, cannot be directly looked upon for any length of time without injuring our vision...much the way our divine selves are too intense for us to interact with. Our physical vehicle reflects our beautiful, sacred self so we can experience heaven on earth through our connection with others.
Simply Cones
Conifers are a rare classification of plants known as gymnosperms...from Greek meaning "naked seed," or plants whose seeds are not enclosed within an ovary, hence no flowers or fruit are produced. Sometimes, an inordinate amount of energy is spent towards flashy and colorful displays when simplicity is all that is required.
The Edge of Nature
The edges of nature contain the inner mystery as they reach into the unknown. There must always be those brave, adventurous souls willing to step into the void...returning with the next step on the pathway that the rest can safely tread.
Warmth of Winter
As we move ever closer to the winter solstice, nature continually prompts us to wrap ourselves in thick, plush attire or blankets...reminding us we are held safely and gently in the wings of the divine.
Hidden Leaves
How much of our lives are hidden under the metaphorical blanket of snow...revealing only the serrated edge of our character that protects our tender, inner core?
Wind’s Presence
What is the thing we call Wind? We cannot taste, smell, or see it...yet, it leaves behind impressions in its wake, sharing what it's been up to, such as the snow in this photo. This is how spirit shows up as well, without tangible attributes that can be held, or put under a microscope...yet it too, leaves very discernible remnants that are demonstrated by the change in our perspective, an open heart, peace, and gratitude.
Raven Solstice
The mysterious raven is an appropriate talisman of transmutation on this Winter Solstice. Renowned for traveling between worlds, he is aloof, yet always watching. Because he has one foot in each world, he is of both...and neither. There is no judgment on which is better; nor is there fear. Death and birth are both beginnings, and endings, depending on which side we stand. This is the infinite flow of energy as we transform from one state to another.
Inner Cave
As the landscape changes form and enshrouds itself in leaves and snow, nature reminds us the time is ripe to journey to our inner cave. The stillness of growth on the exterior can be harnessed for interior exploration and expansion.
Milkweed Seeds
The explosive, silken milkweed seed creates its own natural fireworks show as the sun's rays are captured in each filament. Are you able to move into childlike wonder and amazement at such a display...finding yourself with a wide smile stretched across your face?! Step out and enjoy the show.
Mushroom Magic
Some places are so filled with life-essence and sacredness that they compel us- through some invisible force- to come closer...to be a part of their magical kingdom, inviting you to lay down your burdens so you may enter with childlike wonder. We send out these mystical waves-of-wonder to all...the choice is yours to accept and come play. We're expecting you.
Water Phases
There are times when multiple phases interact on the same plane. The connection is dramatic and can move us towards understanding our own dynamic states. When concocting the physical, emotional and spiritual elixir, it is about proportions. When coalesced just right, a masterpiece unfolds that moves us...as we are bathed in divine grace.
Sky Mystery
Sometimes, when we are open to the possibility, the universe opens the portal to other realms...encouraging us to move beyond self-imposed constraints and dream into existence pure beauty.
Water Reflection
When the reflection of your interior is so pure that it is difficult to tell the real from the imagined, the inner from the outer, or the up from the down...it will no longer make a difference which is which.
Cloud Wisdom
What is it about these mighty movers of the skies that draw us in as though we are witnessing something mystical and life-transforming, as though we have been blessed with a glimpse of the divine?